How To Install Mod 3d Custom Girl Mods Install

How To Install Mod 3d Custom Girl Mods Install

How To Install Mod 3d Custom Girl Mods Install Average ratng: 8,9/10 1895 reviews

Now that the folder is ready, you can add it to your Steam library so that you can install games to it. Click the Steam menu and select Settings. Click the Downloads tab and click Steam Library Folders. Click Add Library Folder.

First, a clarification. I'm calling this a mod editing tutorial, but really it's a mod texture editing tutorial. I've never been able to alter the actual 3D models; it is possible to, so let me go ahead and tell you what I know about that before we get into the tutorial proper. --------------- PROGRAMS I DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE Three programs are used to edit the 3D models of mods: TSO2MQO, MQO2TSO, and Metasequoia. 3D Custom Girl mods are partly made up of.tso files, which we'll be getting to in a moment. The first two of these programs, obviously, are used to convert.tso to.mqo (Metasequoia) files and back again. Metasequoia is a 3D modelling program.

I've never been able to find English versions of the two converter programs, only Japanese, and so I don't understand the instructions in them. I was able to convert a file back and forth once through a whole lot of trial and error, but it didn't do me any good.

The reason for this is that while I was able to find an English version of Metasequoia, it might as well have been in Japanese, because I couldn't make heads or tails of it. It's just over my head. If anyone knows how to use these three programs, I'd love to know. --------------- A PROGRAM I'VE ONLY SCRATCHED THE SURFACE OF TDCGExplorer. I've read about all the different things that can be done with this program. I mean, it's supposed to be like a Swiss Army knife for 3D Custom Girl.

How To Install Mod 3d Custom Girl Mods Install

But I've never been able to figure out how to do anything besides view mods with it. Again, if anyone knows how to make better use of it, I'd love to know. At any rate, for the purposes of this tutorial, viewing mods with TDCGExplorer will suffice. --------------- EDITING MOD TEXTURES And now, let's get started.

We're going to be using three programs for this. We're going to be using five programs for this. Two of them, Photoshop and MSPaint, will be for editing the texture files.

Of course, if you're using some other image manipulation software, that's no problem. These are just the two that I use. The three programs that we'll be using to get at these texture files and make use of them are TDCGExplorer, TAHdecrypt, and TSOdecrypt. *** Let's talk about the mods themselves. 3DCG mods have a file extension of '.tah'. These are compiled from '.tbn', '.tso', and '.psd' files.

The.psd files are for the icons that appear in the program to let you know what mod you're selecting. The.tbn files I'm not sure about; I used to think they were for the 3D models themselves, but you use the.tso files (which I thought were just for the textures) to get to the 3D models in Metasequoia, so.not sure about it. Regardless, we don't need to worry about the.tbn files for what we're doing, just the.tso files. And, I suppose, the.psd files. Because we're supposed to edit those as well. But, to be honest (*looks down in embarrassment*), I've never edited the.psd files when I edit mods. Pure laziness.

But hey, maybe I can figure it out as we go along here. Let this tutorial be a journey of exploration for all of us.


*** So let's begin, shall we? Your mods will be located in your arcs folder. 'C: Program Files (x86) 3D Custom Girl arcs', unless you installed the game to a different folder.

The first thing we're going to do is make a new folder somewhere else on your computer, which we will call 'Mod Backups'. In this, we will create another folder with today's date. And here's why we're doing this. First, it's easy to make a simple mistake that will ruin your mod, rendering it invisible in your program. I know, because I've done this more than once.

So ALWAYS MAKE A BACKUP COPY OF YOUR MOD BEFORE YOU EDIT IT!!! We make the folder with the date because you may edit the mod, like what you've done, but decide next week you want to try something else with it. This way, you can backup the original mod today, backup your edited mod next week when you want to try something new, and so on down the line. So, let's pick a mod. I'm going to start with my OC, Laura Lobdell. Here's her main outfit: Sexy, I know.

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However, I've since edited the mods for her bikini. So if I load her up in my program, even though the icon shows her wearing the dark green outfit, this is what I get: Interesting design, right? But we want to get back to the green outfit.

How To Install Mod 3d Custom Girl Mods Install
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