-------------- If you're having any problems with this app, feel free to contact us at Tell us about the issues you're running into as well as what device and OS version you're using. -------------- ★ Select from 10 official Ben 10 alien transformations! ★ Record and replay your voice. ★ Each alien transformation has a different voice effect.
Sep 22, 2016 THIS TUTORIAL INVOLVES:Docking program (tested on Rocketdock and Objectdock) Stack docklet (I use Stack Docklet For ObjectDock by ~arshi2009 on deviantART on both RD and OD) Link Shell Extension Pleas. Fatxplorer serial port.
Everybody loves the Stacks Docklet! Even more with the 'More Gold' and 'More Dark' 2 Styles (10 Skins) even more I found lovely StandaloneStack2! You can customize the Fan direction and angle, the text background colors, the Icons size, you can choose 'stay open on focus lost (click to close)', and more!
You can use it on all the docks: ObjectDock, NexusDock, RocketDock (Read me file and examples enclosed) > the 'GoldPassionDock' in the preview > > the MoreGold 8 Icons > > the MoreDark DockletSkins series > > the MoreGold DockletSkins series.only for personal Fun! Frankell (dockskinner).