Identity statement Reference code HU OSA 300-81-9 Title Video Recordings of Soviet and Russian Television Programs Date(s) 1985 - 1994 Description level Series Extent and medium (processed) 647 VHS, 16.18 linear meters Content and structure Scope and Content (Abstract) The fonds consist of cca. Alma tv ustj kamenogorsk programma peredach turn.
Jonn3 さん 2013年 03月 15日 01時 22分 13秒. V predydushchej knige 'Sled Beshenogo' rasskazyvalos' o tainstvennom ischeznovenii nashego geroya na dalekom ostrove Mais, v Nikaragua. Ego strannoe ischeznovenie vyzyvaet nastoyashchij shok u blizkih i druzej. ZHena Dzhuliya vmeste s priyatelem Beshenogo Konstantinom Rokotovym otpravlyayutsya na poiski Saveliya.
Following his extensive career in the United States government, Smith pursued a full-time profession lecturing and writing. He wrote extensively for periodicals and published two historical books, both focused on Russian history, particularly Joseph Stalin and the Okhrana. From 1970 until 1980, Smith was an international economist and later vice president of Crocker Bank. He spent his final years working for Smith Bellingham International Incorporated until his sudden death in 1982. Scope and Content of Collection.
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