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• • Star Wars Battlefront II is an video game based on the film franchise. It is the fourth major installment of the series and seventh overall, and a sequel to the. It was developed by, in collaboration with and, and published. The game was released worldwide on November 17, 2017 for,,. Upon release, Battlefront II received mixed reviews from critics.

The game was also subject to regarding the status of its, which could give players if purchased with real money. A response from EA's community team on on the topic became the single most downvoted comment in the site's history – and in response, EA decided to temporarily remove from the game until a later date. In January 2018, EA announced that the micro-transactions would return 'in the next few months'. These returning microtransactions are purely cosmetic, do not affect gameplay, and are purchased directly through in-game currency rather than through loot crates. Star Wars Battlefront II features gameplay from the Star Wars prequel films, a feature absent in the game's predecessor. Star Wars Battlefront II features a story mode, a customizable system, and content based on and movies.

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It also features vehicles and locations from the,, and Star Wars movie trilogies. It also features heroes and villains that can be played based on characters from the Star Wars movies; the hero roster includes (), (), (John Armstrong),, (), (), and (), while the villain roster includes (), (), (), (), (), (Sam Witwer), and (/) at launch. The game features a full campaign story mode unlike 2015's. Instrukciya po zapolneniyu 4 f zatrati rb 1. The game's single player protagonist, Iden Versio, leader of an Imperial Special Forces group known as Inferno Squad, participates in multiple events in the 30 years leading up to. There are segments in the campaign where the player is able to control other characters such as Luke Skywalker and Kylo Ren.

Players can also play in the Arcade mode – an offline single player or local co-op where players can choose which side to play on and which battle to play in. Battles vary from team battles to onslaughts. Alternatively, players can choose to do a custom match, where they can change some of the settings and location. Instead of the paid Season Pass (DLC) seen in the 2015 predecessor, this game is expanded with free DLC provided to all players with a free EA account.

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The DLC is free to all players, using a seasonal structure similar to and, according to Gavankar. The first season, released in December 13, 2017, was based on the movie, and included () and () as heroes, the planet Crait as a ground map, and a space map above D'Qar.

The second season, released in May 16, 2018, was based on the movie, and included Jabba's Palace and Kessel as ground maps, the new game modes Hero Showdown and Extraction, new character skins for Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, and Leia Organa. The next set of content was announced on June 9, 2018, during EA Play which will feature content from the prequel trilogy of Star Wars, centering on the origin of the with the planet Geonosis as a ground map, a new mode similar to, and new heroes and villains,, Anakin Skywalker, and, all voiced by their respective voice actors (Matthew Wood,, and ) from the 2008 animated TV series. Multiplayer modes Star Wars Battlefront II features nine multiplayer game modes, some of which are available to play only for a limited time, with the largest supporting up to 40 simultaneous players.

• Galactic Assault: This game mode is centered around unique set pieces set across the eleven planets and locations featuring all three Star Wars eras involving a team of 20 attackers against 20 defenders. • Starfighter Assault: In this mode, battles take place in unique set pieces in space and planetary atmospheres involving 12 attackers against 12 defenders, both teams being reinforced with an additional 20 ships. • Strike: Strike has players battling in close quarter scenarios involving a team of eight attackers aiming to either capture a unique objective from a team of eight defenders – essentially one team – or arm and destroy two objectives. Villains: This mode is an 'VIP/attack the target mode' involving the heroes and villains in Star Wars Battlefront II based on Star Wars characters, where four light side heroes fight four dark side villains.

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