InterServer Real Time Malware Detection Real time suspected malware list as detected by InterServer's InterShield protection system. DNSRBL available at with lookups to Stats Info on Abuse DB ID 722236 First Seen 2017-12-26 03:16:16 Last Seen 2019-03-08 01:10:41 Reason 'mod_security' Total Servers 44 Total listings 121 Error: Your IP may be getting blocked by our IPS due to a known string of false positive. Complete the reCAPTCHA then submit the form to delist. Delist Me Abuse DB ONLY.
What is Windows Hosts File For starters, Windows Hosts file is a simple system file that is used to override the default DNS behavior. Again, DNS (Domain Name System) is a service which is mainly responsible for mapping the human readable web addresses to its numerical IP addresses. Note: Even though we are using Windows 8, this trick will work with any previous versions of Windows like 7 & Vista. So without further ado, let us see how to block websites using Windows 8 hosts file. Hosts file entries to block adobe activation host. That said, without spending anything extra or without messing with a whole lot of settings, there is a slick way built right into Windows which you can easily use to block or redirect unwanted websites.
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