Papka Data Dlya Skyrim

Papka Data Dlya Skyrim

Papka Data Dlya Skyrim Average ratng: 8,6/10 2073 reviews

So even though LOOT shows them, but no check marks and only says I have 5 active. I also have no Load Mods option on the Launcher. Now I decided to load the game up anyways. On the main screen, you can go to mods. Now this is where you log into Now I dont use that, but I did notice that there was another option in there called Mod Order, or something like that. When I go in there, it shows all my esp's and everything as active and with a check mark.

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I can also confirm, despite LOOT saying they aren't activated, mine however are. I was kinda going off of LOOT not showing them as active.


See if that helps you guys and let me know.

Papka Data Dlya Skyrim
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