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Ong Bak 2 Dubbed English Torrent King Older Women Younger Men

Ong Bak 2 Dubbed English Torrent King Older Women Younger Men Average ratng: 8,4/10 737 reviews

There's something about the beauty and grace of martial arts movies. That turns all of us into buffoons as we attempt to recreate elegant ass-kicking moves in our own living rooms.

Aside from those moments of inanity, kung fu films are also inspirational slices of cinema. Yes, they encourage us all to act out Bruce Lee's infamous moves on our nearest and dearest, but there's the spiritual component too. These legendary flicks showcase some absolutely breathtaking fight sequences and mesh them together with insightful existential banter. This list counts down the very best in kung-fu cinema. Click ahead to begin your martial arts odyssey, and please for the love of all things sacred, don't imitate any of it at home. Oh okay, go on then.


Cradle 2 the Grave (2003) Tagalog Dubbed 2003 Gang leader Tony pulls off a major diamond heist with his crew, but cop-turned-criminal Ling knows who has the loot and responds by kidnapping Tony's daughter and holding her for ransom.

You'll just end up looking really, really stupid. Fearless (2006) The movie: Jet Li’s last wushu epic is based on the life of Chinese martial artist Huo Yuanjia, who challenged foreign fighters and boosted Chinese morale when it was at its lowest thanks to Japanese manipulation and Western imperialism. Coolest fight: Seeing as Yuanjia faces off against tons of opponents in this movie. We're going for the sword fight where he leaps, swims and punches his way to glory. Iconic moment: The lotus pond scene was filmed at a lake outside of Shanghai, where over 200 lotus plants were shipped specifically for the movie.

Luckily, it turned out to be a legendary scene. Iron Monkey (1993) The movie: Chinese folk hero Wong Fei-hung continues to inspire the movies. This '90s kung fu film takes a rifle through his childhood for a fictional yarn detailing his supposed encounter with the Iron Monkey.

The young Fei-hung was played by a talented martial artist called Tsang Sze-Man, who’s actually a girl. Coolest fight: Insults are slung like mud, before right hooks, chains, shovels,. Uh, giant sleeves get slung as well. No-one saw those coming. Iconic moment: “It is I, Iron Monkey!” A gloriously camp introduction to our masked fighter. Fatal Contact (2006) The movie: Wu Jing plays a young man trained in the art of Sanshou and lured into fighting in illegal martial arts competitions.

The film’s fight scenes were choreographed by Nicky Li, who’s a member of the Jackie Chan Stunt Team, hence the superb combat style. Coolest fight: Jing shows everyone who’s boss, even managing to take down a bitchy coward who’s cheated and shoved nails into his gloves and shoes. Iconic moment: Sure, Jing can fight, but he can also do really cool flips off stuff, making him a martial arts AND parkour expert. Chocolate (2008) The movie: A Thai martial arts film, Chocolate (aka Fury) stars Yanin ‘Jeeja’ Vismitananda as Zen, an autistic woman who develops jaw-dropping martial arts skills by copying what she’s seen on TV.


It's all rather handy, because she needs to track down gangs that owe her dying mother money. Street fighter ex3 ps2 torrent. Coolest fight: It’s got to be the film’s final fight, as a battered, exhausted Zen shows us why she’s the queen of kung fu - she takes out an entire squad of Thai gangsters like it ain't no thing. Iconic moment: Zen, mimicking the great martial arts prowess of Bruce Lee and Tony Jaa, comes to grips with her abilities. Magnificent Butcher (1980) The movie: Sammo Hung continues his endeavours to create an action comedy like Drunken Master with this fun genre-blending romp. He plays Lam Sai-wing, a rotund butcher who is falsely accused of raping the head of the Five Dragons Kung Fu School, and targeted for revenge. Reshebnik literatura 5 klass isaeva klimenko.

Coolest fight: Yuen Biao and Lam Ching-ying duke it out. Never has fighting looked more beautiful and painstakingly choreographed than here. It’s almost like really macho dancing. Except there's lots of slapping. Iconic moment: Lee Hoi San and Sammo Hung show us what they’re made of.

Old boots, it would seem. This guys are tough. The Way Of The Dragon (1972) The movie: Bruce Lee’s directorial debut finds him also playing the titular Dragon.

He travels to Rome in order to help his friend’s family, whose restaurant is being targeted by the Mafia, and winds up kicking ass. The film set a new box office record in Hong Kong, taking $5 million. Coolest fight: Lee finds himself opposite the Mafia's hired hand played by Chuck Norris; the pair go toe-to-toe in a Roman Colosseum. Naturally, Lee wipes the floor with his competitor.

Iconic moment: It's hard to imagine another moment in this movie that's more iconic than a Lee vs. Norris smackdown. The Big Boss (1971) The movie: Initially set up as a starring vehicle for James Tien, the emergence of the fantastic Bruce Lee (in his first major role) earned him the lead instead. Big Boss went on to become the highest grossing fight film in Hong Kong in 1971. And just in case you were wondering, the Thai brothel featured in the film?

Ong Bak 2 Dubbed English Torrent King Older Women Younger Men
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